AIIMS (India’s best) hospital servers have been hacked and a highly-experienced Security Software Programmer in India is without work.

I know a highly-experienced Security Software programmer with around 40+ years of experience in Engineering and Computer Science without work.

He has worked for top global Security Software companies developing software at senior levels.

Now that we're building amazing roads in India, I'm sure he can also travel to work if he can find anything suitable in Delhi NCR.

Earlier today I saw a Facebook post of Indian relatives nearing their 70s still working well around the world and growing! They earn well and have even taken Canadian PR. Do you know highly-capable people of their age in India if they can still get suitable work and keep growing?

I just saw this video that AIIMS (India's best) hospital servers have been hacked and thought of sharing the above.
#security #securitysoftware #securitysystems #work #india #world #growth #progress #human